- Citrus Country FL -
Lecanto Pastured Poultry
The Farm
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A 9.5 Acre Multispecies Operation
Location: West Cardinal St. adjacent to the Citrus Wildlife Management area.
Multi-Speciation brings diversity and fertility to the land. Each animal has a particular way of behavior. As stewards of the land our job is to home the animal in an area where they can freely express themselves while simultaneously allowing the grass and soil to benefit from them as well.
The Philosophy
"Rebuilding Soil health through the use of livestock and Organic Matter"
Guiding Principles
In a world that tends to favor a "bigger is better" mentality we in the small farm community cherish the ability to give more individual attention to our animals and to our customers.
Rotational Grazing
Producing on a small-scale farm means taking advantage of rotational grazing. This is a method in which the animals periodically are moved to different areas of the pasture in order to control their impact on the land, the manure load the land receives, and the amount of grass and forage that is consumed. This is the primary factor that enables sustainability.
Since the Industrial Revolution monocropping, heavy machinery, and synthetic fertilizers have been all the rave in the agricultural industry. In more recent times there has been a mass movement to go against this grain and into a farming framework commonly noted as Regenerative Farming, in which farmers use nothing but natural resources to grow their crops, their livestock, and their land. That's what LPP is all about.
Non Chemical Fertilizer
One of the major purposes behind regenerative farming is to put organic matter back into the soil. If you have ever seen a patch of bare soil it became that way because of a lack of organic content. Dirt by itself does not hold much nutrition nor does it have much ecological activity going on within it unless there is matter such as animal manure to encourage decomposition. Unlike chemical fertilizer, organic matter brings life and bio-activity into the soil.
The Process
Breed: Cornish Cross
Growth Period: 6-8 weeks
Finished Weight: 4-6 Pounds
If you have eaten chicken in North America you have been eating the Cornish Cross. These are the fast growing birds that produce the boneless-skinless chicken breast bought at the grocer and the ones used at your favorite sports bar to make those wings.
1-3 weeks
As with other poultry breeds the Cornish cross is most vulnerable during their first three weeks of life. In such a case, even though they are being raised on pasture they are provided with heat lamps and given special attention towards their temperature regulation as baby chicks require a body temperature from 110 to 95 as the weeks progress. During this time they are kept in brooding boxes while on pasture so they are well contained and safe from predators.
3-8 weeks
From week three and beyond the chickens will be able to roam outside of their boxes and in and around the green house.
The Bigger Picture
For all those that think that this is all about indulging in delicious locally grown pasture-raised poultry to fix on the grill or on your favorite cast iron skillet, I have news for you... its not. Its not all about the enjoyment that you and your family are soon to have or even about the success of our farm. Patronizing your local regenerative farmer is about playing a part in rebuilding the soil and concretizing
a new style of farming that plays off of old traditions.
Single crop or monocrop farming and other land use practices has eroded most of the top soil in the United States. Eroded soil is unable to hold nutrients, which will grow less nutrient dense vegetation, which than produces less nutrient dense food. As if that were not enough much of the monocropping in the U.S. has been done with genetically modified seeds so plants can tolerate the spray of pesticides and herbicides which are used to stop the proliferation of insects and weeds. Although these seeds have been modified to withstand chemical application, it is not so self evident that our bodies can.
What you are doing here in supporting this farm by enjoying its products is involving yourself in a worldwide agricultural movement to rejuvenate the soil. By your support we have the ability to propagate and share a genuine illustration of agriculture with you, with our community, with our state, with our children, and with our nation.
Always Stocked!
I just went and picked up my first fresh chicken. what a wonderful experience to see all the chickens around. A beautiful clean farm. The staff are so down to earth and friendly. Fresh eggs as well. Go ahead and order your chicken with confidence.
Great locally grown, humanely raised chicken for about the same price you'd pay at the store. I'm placing my third order today. I like knowing that the chicken I'm eating lived a good life rather than suffering in a tiny cage. I like supporting local business, a return to responsible farming, and the "growing movement to rebuild our nation's topsoil." Great company, honorable mission, great service, and the best chicken around.